Moderator: agressor
Call of Duty: World at War (Call of Duty 5)Saka, ka piektais CoD's būs par otro pasaules karu. Nu i nafig!
Gaidam more info. sincerely yours
agressor |
Re: Call of Duty 5sincerely yours
agressor |
Re: Call of Duty 5WWII tapēc, ka CoD5 izstrāde esot sākusies 9 mēnešus pirms CoD4 relīzes, kad Activison nolēma, ka lai jau Infinity Ward tur ņemas ar savu mūsdienu CoD, bet šis lai iet tāds pats, "kā parasti"
WWII protams ir meh, bet tas, ka CoD5 izstrādes cikls ir 2 gadi, nevis 9 mēneši, kā tas bija CoD3, tomēr mazliet, bet iepriecina... |
Re: Call of Duty 5sincerely yours
agressor |
Re: Call of Duty 5jau cod4 topikā šo ziņu iemetu, bet nu tas tā. Un CoD5 joprojām taisa Trayarch, tā ka visa iespēja sabojāt IW pūliņus pacelt frančīzi. Sākot ar CoD6 gan tikai IW ekskluzīvi taisa CoD.
Being drunk is just like having a really low framerate
Re: Call of Duty 5Griffith confirmed that a new Call of Duty game is in the works for this fiscal year, now set in "a new military theater." Early reports have suggested the game is being developed by Call of Duty 3 developer Treyarch.
The title will match Call of Duty 4's platform list of PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3, and will add Wii, PlayStation 2, and Nintendo DS. Infinity Ward's Call of Duty 4 engine will also be used in Activision's first James Bond title, set to be released concurrently with this year's film Quantum of Solace. sincerely yours
agressor |
Re: Call of Duty 5Being drunk is just like having a really low framerate
Re: Call of Duty 5nesaprotu vaacu val., kaliks tulko Call of Duty 5 von Activision soll erst im Februar 2009 und nicht mehr im diesjährigen Weihnachtsgeschäft erscheinen.
Re: Call of Duty 5Tipa iznāks 2009.g. februārī, nevis šī gada Ziemassvētkos. Nezinu, vai iznāks, bet nu saprotiet paši ar ko domāts "to be published"
PSN - Piepz |
Re: Call of Duty 5Labak uztaisitu par kadu Serbiju vai kadu no tam valstim kad bija kars 90. gados
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Re: Call of Duty 5The subs issue of this month’s gamesTM has revealed a wealth of information on the now-announced Call of Duty: World at War, the final name for Treyarch’s Call of Duty 5. From VG247 reader evilashchris, reading from the UK mag: “Right, apparently it’s going to be grittier, as gritty as ANY game out there to quote. The enemy will be scarier and use new tactics. “There will be co-op for the first time in a Call of Duty. Also there will be vehicles and squad-based elements to the multiplayer. Formats: PC, PS3, 360 and Wii. The Wii version is being worked on by a separate team within Treyarch. [The mag] reckons it’ll be a much closer comparison between the next-gen and Wii versions than any other Wii game on the market. “Jeez, they have the CoD4 engine running on the Wii apparently. They are using [the CoD4 engine] for all the next-gen ones too. The Wii Zapper will be supported. “Also, this is how gritty it is: ‘The opening scene of the first level we are shown is a Japanese commander stubbing a cigarette out in the eye of a prisoner before slitting his throat - the blood splatters and dribbles down the side of the tent you are being held in. He turns towards you to deal out the same treatment but help arrives just in time. Cue a daring level-long escape.’” As is now known, the game will be set in the Pacific theatre of World War II. sincerely yours
agressor |
Re: Call of Duty: World at War (Call of Duty 5)Screeni no speeles, itkaa issti ![]() |
Re: Call of Duty: World at War (Call of Duty 5)Ar sadiem skriiniem var iedomaties ka izskatisies CoD 5, bet es uzticos tikai gameplay skriiniem.....
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Re: Call of Duty: World at War (Call of Duty 5)Vai es sapratu pareizi, vai tas onkulis skriinaa mazliet ieprieksh shauj ar uguni???
![]() ja taa tad tas ir kaut kas patieshaam jaunsun COD speeleem... |
Re: Call of Duty: World at War (Call of Duty 5)Emm...ugunsmetējs? Uz konsolēm nav redzēts, bet uz CoD PC ekspansijas bija gan.
Re: Call of Duty: World at War (Call of Duty 5)hmm... tas neizskataas peec skriina,driizaak jau iista bilde(manupraat)
Re: Call of Duty: World at War (Call of Duty 5)Ja godīgi man pat būtu vienalga par kuru laiku tas geims ir. WW1 WWII vai mūsdienas. Da kaut nākotne. Protams Es vairāk priecātos par mūsdienu pasaulīti. Galvenais, lai iespējas grafiskais un Fiziskais līmenis viņā neatpaliek no COD4. Un protams arī iepriekšminēto pareiza kombinācija ar Ieročiem uc padarīšanām. So far no tiem skrīniem neko nevar saprast līdzarto pat komentēt negribas. Tikai janovēl viss tas labākais lai izlaiž vēlvienu Grāvēju.
Call of Duty: World at War trailer hitting Live this weekend"Mark your calenders, the first trailer for Call of Duty: World at War will be hitting the Xbox Live Marketplace this weekend. The first glimpse of the series’ return to the Second World War is only a few days away. The trailer’s release will be a bit different than the usual. The trailer will be available for download Saturday but will then be taken down on Sunday. Make sure to schedule a few minutes with your 360 to grab this before it disappears." no
aiztiec sevi vietās || celuju,
Re: Call of Duty: World at War (Call of Duty 5)Wtf, un kaada jeegavinus nemt aaraa no XBL???
Re: Call of Duty: World at War (Call of Duty 5)aiztiec sevi vietās || celuju,
Re: Call of Duty: World at War (Call of Duty 5)Bet šis tak būs pilns ar gaļļļļļļļu!!! Un gaļa faking rox!!!
Re: Call of Duty: World at War (Call of Duty 5)Being drunk is just like having a really low framerate
Re: Call of Duty: World at War (Call of Duty 5)Call of Duty: World at War completely changes the rules of engagement by redefining WWII gaming and thrusting players into the final tension-filled, unforgiving battles against a new ferocious enemy in the most dangerous and suspenseful action ever seen.
Powered by Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare technology, Call of Duty: World at War brings an uncensored edge to combat, as soldiers face the most harrowing and climactic European and Pacific battles in which an enemy, who knows no surrender and no retreat, will fight to the last breath, unleashing an arsenal of lethal surprising tactics. Peril and danger lurk throughout the battlefield as players combat the unknown risk of the new chaos of battle. From the remains of Russia and the ruins of Berlin, to the beach and jungles of the deadly Pacific Theater, the volatile action takes on added depth as players employ new features that previously were only available in multiplayer, including perks, rankings and online stats in up to four-player cooperative gameplay, and take advantage of the new infantry and vehicle-based weapons, like the potent flamethrower, that will set the battlefield ablaze. sincerely yours
agressor |
Re: Call of Duty: World at War (Call of Duty 5)Jauki ugunsmeteejs, tagad zobens.... mazliet saak atgaadinaat postal
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Re: Call of Duty: World at War (Call of Duty 5)mjā, izskatās, ka WW2 tēma ir tik izbrikubrakota, ka Treyarch džekiem nekas cits neatlika kā pievienot "uzkāp palmā lemūrs ar snaipereni" modu. video zemāk:
aiztiec sevi vietās || celuju,
Re: Call of Duty: World at War (Call of Duty 5)Izskatas ta, ka sizets nedomaju ka piesaistis, bet gameplay ieraus ka jau visas CoD dalas....
Re: Call of Duty: World at War (Call of Duty 5)Covers ko pasiekaloties:
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Re: Call of Duty: World at War (Call of Duty 5)nu super vācins
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Re: Call of Duty: World at War (Call of Duty 5)vāciņam nav ne vainas. btw sākam sekot līdzi betas infai.
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