Moderator: agressor
Assassin's Creed III recently had the pleasure of taping an episode of Geoff Keighley's Bonus Round for Gametrailers, alongside Kotaku blogger extraordinaire, t-shirt tycoon, and admirably committed trucker-hat enthusiast Michael McWhertor and Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter. This was my first legitimate interaction with Big Mikey P, and it confirmed my standing suspicion that he is a video-game information monster. He also knows all kinds of stuff that you and I do not. I think that--unlike your average member of the enthusiast press--his job as a financial analyst wouldn't benefit so directly from breaking specific details about upcoming games, so developers and publishers likely end up telling him all sorts of awesome secret business.
I myself, however, am a member of the enthusiast press, so I'll snatch up whatever breadcrumbs Pachter drops. During the taping of Bonus Round, Pachter let slip that Ubisoft would be changing the time-frame of the freshly confirmed Assassin's Creed sequel from 1191 to “several hundred years in the future” or more specifically, “sometime in the 1700s.” While the time change was presented by Pachter as fact, he went on to speculate that the French Revolution could be a potential setting. It's an interesting prospect, and like the original Holy Land settings, it's a time and place that hasn't been exhaustively explored by other games. I understand why people were hoping to see the series head to feudal Japan for some ninja action, but I personally find the mental imagery of an Altair surrogate wearing a powdered wig and being all “sacrebleu!” to be way more compelling. Whatever Ubisoft ends up doing, I just hope they can come up with a less anticlimactic ending for the sequel. sincerely yours
agressor |
Re: Assassin's Creed 2Deivids Vilkinsons (David Wilkinson), Prince of Persia animāciju režisors, sniedzot interviju , slavēt slavēja Aleksu Druīnu (Alex Drouin), kurš strādāja pie PoP: The Sands of Time un Assassin's Creed animācijām. Kad Vilkinsonam tiek jautāts, ar ko Druīns šobrīd nodarbojas, viņš atbild: "He's busy making Altair even more beautiful. Last thing I saw him do was getting Altair to swim."
Tas laikam ļauj domāt, ka arī jaunajai spēlē būs kāds sakars ar Altairu, kurš turklāt būs iemācījies peldēt, līdz ar to nemirs nost, ikreiz iekrītot ūdenī... |
Re: Assassin's Creed 2nu tas bija main issue, par ko visa pasaule sūdzējās, jo pa jumtiem lēkāt ar lemūra cienīgu grāciju nav problēmas, nopiļīt no hvz kāda augstuma ok, bet knapi ūdens pāri celim tā omg omg - kirdik. viss būs lieliski - atnāks altairs kaut kad un iemācīs visiem pimpi
aiztiec sevi vietās || celuju,
Re: Assassin's Creed 2__________________________________________________________________
Re: Assassin's Creed 2Bet loģiski domājot tādās drānās kā Altairam, lai noslīktu, nav īpaši jācenšas. Plus, drēbes tik ātri neizžūst, tādā veidā viņš uzreiz pievērstu masu uzmanības (bet tagad es jau sāku ieslīkt sīkumos).
Manis pēc, Altairs varētu slīkt kā baļķis arī otrajā daļa, jo es spēlējot pirmo spēli noslīku 1 reizi. Svarīgākais priekš manis ir kas notiks ar Desmondu. |
Re: Assassin's Creed 2aiztiec sevi vietās || celuju,
Re: Assassin's Creed 2apbruņojaties ar palielināmo stiklu un meklējiet hintus:
aiztiec sevi vietās || celuju,
Re: Assassin's Creed 2saldi
Re: Assassin's Creed 2PSN - Piepz |
Re: Assassin's Creed 2sincerely yours
agressor |
Re: Assassin's Creed 2Es ļoti, ļoti, ļoti cerēju, ka spēles darbība noritēs (kā tika spekulēts) Lielās Franču revolūcijas laikā, taču laikam ir tikai likumsakarīgi, ka arī denbraunīgais Itālijas renesanses laikmets būtu AC daļas vērts - ēkas un lokācijas jau droši vien diezgan noteikti būs kā anālsaldas konfektes acīm. Ceru tomēr,ka AC3 būs LFR, bet tas laikam jau uz Xbox720...
Re: Assassin's Creed 2In a vast open world environment, Assassin's Creed II invites players to incarnate Ezio, a privileged young noble in Renaissance Italy who's been betrayed by the rival ruling families of Italy, and seeking vengeance. During an earnings conference call, Gamestop exec David W. Carlson gave a little run down of what titles to expect this coming holiday and revealed that Tekken 6 and BioShock 2 are listed for Oct. while Assassin’s Creed 2 is currently scheduled for release in Nov. 2009.
sincerely yours
agressor |
Re: Assassin's Creed 2Jā, ideāls treilers.
Re: Assassin's Creed 2treileris coool, pirmā daļa cool, bet geims, kuru tu nevari paspēlēt vairāk par 2h, jo kaut kas noriebjās un viss. Nu kaut kas nav ar viņu, bet tai pat laikā tas ir ideāls.
sincerely yours
agressor |
Re: Assassin's Creed 2aiztiec sevi vietās || celuju,
Re: Assassin's Creed 2Assassin’s Creed 2: Black Ltd Edition for EU only
The first details regarding a limited edition for Assassin’s Creed 2 named ‘Black Edition’ have revealed that it will only be available in Europe. It will contain exclusive items and further in-game quests not featured anywhere else on release. The limited edition will contain a box set all in black packaging and come with a unique authentic holographic signature. Included will be a 64-page finely crafted leather style hardcover and parchment-finish book, which will contain concept art and some developer interviews. A copy of the game’s soundtrack, an Ezio action figure, behind-the-scene interviews and three new in-game bonus quests will also come to complete a surely luxurious package for a confirmed £69.99. Assassin’s Creed 2 will be released in the US on November 17th, with a European release date for both Assassin’s Creed 2 & ‘Black Edition’ being November 20th. aiztiec sevi vietās || celuju,
Re: Assassin's Creed 2Ganjau mažeks, jau met acis uz LTD edišen
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