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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Call of Duty 6)

Xbox 360 spēlētāju diskusiju vieta.

Moderator: agressor

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Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Call of Duty 6)

Postby iCE2 » Apr 8th, '10, 11:02

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Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Call of Duty 6)

Postby Brock » Apr 8th, '10, 11:58

Being drunk is just like having a really low framerate

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Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Call of Duty 6)

Postby samer » Apr 8th, '10, 15:34

Tomēr... Stimulus Package Sets New Xbox Live Record!!!

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 publishers, Activision, today announced that the Stimulus Package, the first map pack released for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 was downloaded over one million times on Xbox Live in the first 24 hours.

First week sales for the MW2 map pack reached 2.5 million downloads in total. The Stimulus Package is currently only available for download on Xbox Live, making these sales all the more impressive.

To put those figures into perspective, first-week sales of the first map pack for Call of Duty: World at War reached one million downloads across Xbox Live and PlayStation Network.

Microsoft also had some other interesting MW2/Xbox Live statistics to share – Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 players have invested more than 1.75 billion hours of gameplay on Xbox LIVE alone since the title’s release in November, which is equal to more than 200,000 years of gameplay playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.

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Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Call of Duty 6)

Postby oskarszale » Apr 8th, '10, 16:03

un vēl lielās ar to, phe :evil:

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Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Call of Duty 6)

Postby hirins » Apr 8th, '10, 23:52

man liekas, ka juus ljaudis lietas neveelaaties saprast.. nu ir tachu svariigi shos datus publiceet, lai akcijas birzhaas tureetos pareizaa liimenii..
un par komentiem, piemeeram - alkatiigie cuukas activision, par speeleetaajiem nedomaajoshais activision... viens apziimeejums - ekh latvieshi - labaak lai iet slikti, lai iet ljoti slikti, jo tad var liidzi just, tad var meetaat gudros un dot padomu, bet.. labi iet???!!!, paaraak labi iet, neticami labi iet, kaa var tik labi iet???!!!.. bljin kretiini, ar kaadaam tiesiibaam kaadam iet labaak par videejo statistisko letinju

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Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Call of Duty 6)

Postby iCE2 » Apr 9th, '10, 00:20

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Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Call of Duty 6)

Postby hirins » Apr 11th, '10, 13:01

ljaudis, ok, piekriitu jums, ljoti, piekritu, ka activision ir kuces, naudu slaucoshas kuces, precendents ir noticis, par 15 usd esam nopirkushi to, kas ir veerts 5 usd... tachu, biju vakar tusinjaa, un kaa normaali tas notiek - alinsh izbeidzaas, so, gaajaam uz lokaalo veikalu, kas ir vieniigais ieksh rajona.. alinsh veikalaa, logjiski, ir daargaaks nekaa citur, pie tam 1,5 reizes daargaaks..
luuk arii liidziiba ar call of duty - kameer netiks izlaists liidzveertiigs produkts konkreetajaa segmentaa, tameer dlc maksaas ap 15 usd un mees suudzeedamies suutiisim savu krediitkarshu datus instituucijai, kas tirgo xbox360 points, so fingers crossed - ea ar savu medal of horor ieliks kaaju durviis..

p.s. es ceru, ka juus ljaudis zinat, ka call of duty: modern warfare 2 ir shobriid vieniigaa speele, kura savaa eiropas premjeeras dienaa tika promoteeta londonaa leicester laukumaa, laukumaa, kuraa tiek launchota ikviena holivudas filma eiropaa, laukumaa, uz kuru paaris reizes meenesii, piektdienu vakaros ierodas holivudas filmu aktieri, taa saucamie A listeri, lai TV un foto gaismaas pa sarkano paklaaju iesoljotu odeon kino teaatri, izraadot savu jauno filmu...
beidzamais call of duty izpelniijaas sho respektu, izpelniijaas uzmaniibu nokljuut TV, laikrakstu un mainstream zhurnaalu pirmajaas lapaas, izpelniijaas, nopelniija to cienju mums, kuru mees geimeri pieprasaam un gaidaam no sabiedriibas.. mees tachu veelamies, lai krogaa, sarunaa ar smuku gjevku vinja nesmiiknjaatu tad, kad peec 5 alinjiem, kad praats kontrolee muusu meeles mazaak, teiksim vinjai, ka briivajaa laikaa speeleejam.. call of duty mums ir nodroshinaajis sho iespeeju, call of duty ir nodroshinaajis sexu mums geimeriem, jo ikviena gjevka, kas nespeelee, gribees naakt uz muusu maajaam, lai paskatiitos, kas tas call of fakin duty ir, kas ir tas par ko visi runaa..
taatad sasummejot visu shito kopaa vienaa teikumaa - call of duty ir gjevku magneets, un 15 usd ir normaala cena par sexy time, jo sieviete pilniigi noteikti gribees naakt ciemos un apstiities call of duty dlc, ja mees vinjai teiksim, ka par 15 usd (15 DOLLARS!!!!!, pajautaajiet agressor, pajautaajiet, lai vinsh izstaasta 20 dollars story ieksh JFK lidostas njujorkaa) esam nokachaajushi 3 jaunas un divas vecas kartes ;)

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Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Call of Duty 6)

Postby HellDude » Apr 11th, '10, 14:54

Tātad, ja es nopirkšu Map pack'u man būs sekss? Lieliski!

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Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Call of Duty 6)

Postby Vis » Apr 11th, '10, 19:50

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Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Call of Duty 6)

Postby Radzins » Apr 11th, '10, 21:21

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Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Call of Duty 6)

Postby agressor » Apr 11th, '10, 22:56

sincerely yours

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Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Call of Duty 6)

Postby scoux » Apr 12th, '10, 10:20

mirstu :D :D :D

btw, Vis, ļoti šaubos, ka šo precedentu var atļauties turpināt kāds cits ražotājs, izņemot gadījumus (protams), kad sales ir galvu reibinoši un spēlētāju laika atdeve šim produktam ir nomācoši milzīga.


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Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Call of Duty 6)

Postby Vis » Apr 12th, '10, 10:30

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Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Call of Duty 6)

Postby Junago » Apr 12th, '10, 11:42

Agrāk arcades svēra tikai līdz 50MB.

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Postby scoux » Apr 12th, '10, 11:47



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Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Call of Duty 6)

Postby ValdisJ » Apr 12th, '10, 11:50

Fanu video par attiecīgo tēmu:

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Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Call of Duty 6)

Postby Brock » Apr 12th, '10, 12:21

Jā un agrāk spēles ietilpa uz viena flopika (1.4MB) un bija ēra, kad spēle labi ja pusi no prasta CD aizpildīja, bet tas nemazina tās vērtību, kura iespējams ir daudz lielāka nekā pašreizējām super duper mega grafikas bet contents sucks spēlēm. Es bieži labāk spēlēju vecas, bet nu jau fugly spēlēs nekā mūsdienu super duper reālistiskās grafikas spēles. Ok, pieņemsim MW2 kartes content ziņā atmaksājas tie 1200 punkti, bet cmon, vai Activision tiešām domā, ka pārdodot spēli jau dārgāk nekā citas plus tagad DLC, spēs ar to noturēt fanus. Plus vēl pēc tā, ka nu jau 3 ļoti svarīgi IW darbinieki (bez kuriem CoD sērija iespējams nemaz nebūtu un no kuriem ir tieši tas cilvēks, kas par spīti Acti vēlmei uzspiest kārtējo WW2 CoD, noriskēja un deva jums MW) vairs nav nemaz pie CoD izstrādes un domāju tie nebūs vienīgie, kas aizies. OK, es pat noteikti iedomājos, ka nākamo MW noteikti taisīs Treyarch + IW apvienota studija vai pat kāda jauna studija, bet jau tagad var teikt, ka tas nebūs tas.
Tagad es spēlēju W@W un tur ir pilnīgi uz katra stūra jūtams cik ļoti tomēr atšķiras IW CoD un jebkā cita CoD.
Being drunk is just like having a really low framerate

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Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Call of Duty 6)

Postby kaarliitys » Apr 12th, '10, 14:22

Nu, jēzus, taču nepērciet to DLC! Labi, seksa nebūs, bet nebūs arī 15 dolāri izmesti vējā. Ko var malt par vienu un to pašu.

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Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Call of Duty 6)

Postby scoux » Apr 12th, '10, 14:36

Its all about 15$ pleasure. Cant u get it?
Kāds nevar pārdzīvot, ka gribās tā ka pinpis ribās, bet nē, jābļauj un jākauc, un židmasoniski teksti jābīda.

Tā kā gudri dirst nav malku cirst!

/nah, zajebal


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Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Call of Duty 6)

Postby iCE2 » Apr 12th, '10, 22:26

Ko cepjaties, normāla diskusija - ir par, ir pret, ir argumenti, ir viedokļi, ir uzkāpusi temperatūra, galu galā!
Ko tagad, visām diskusijām jāsastāv no savirknētiem "jā, protams", "nah, sūds" vai embeddotam treilerim? :D

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Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Call of Duty 6)

Postby Vis » Apr 12th, '10, 23:41

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Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Call of Duty 6)

Postby Brock » Apr 13th, '10, 06:06

Being drunk is just like having a really low framerate

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Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Call of Duty 6)

Postby Brock » Apr 14th, '10, 15:56

Being drunk is just like having a really low framerate

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Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Call of Duty 6)

Postby Patrick » Apr 14th, '10, 20:09

Activision lielākais zaudējums. Jau pirms kāda laika podcastos klausījos, to kas tur notika. Nu EA tas ir vnk ideāli, tagad jaskatās, kas notiks.

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Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Call of Duty 6)

Postby ValdisJ » May 9th, '10, 12:44

[GUIDE] Hunting Nuke Boosters in FFA

Identifiying Boosters

The first step in stopping boosters is to realize that you are in a game with them, and there are a number of ways to do this. Some quick things to look for in the lobby are nuke emblems, EMP emblem, matching and/or similar clan tags, and matching and/or similar gamertags. If you are playing FFA and 3 people with the same clan tag join, all have nuke emblems and appear to be in a party chat, there is a high likelihood that they will attempt to boost.

If the match has not started, go into spectator mode
1.wait for the match to begin
2.press B (X360) instead of choosing a class
3.cycle through the players using the A and B buttons until you see someone with a tactical insertion equipped
4.Follow anyone with a TI until you see them run to far corner of the map and drop it
5.Now check for a partner heading for the same location (the 2nd booster may or may not have a TI equipped)
6.If you have time you should also try to identify any additional players that may be standing guard for the boosters.
7.Make a note of the boosters gamertag and Clan Tags if they are using them. Note: clan tags are not visible from your friends list, so make sure you remember the boosters gamer tag if you plan on following them to a new match.
8.Do not spend too much time in spectator mode or you will be kicked from the game for inactivity. It takes approximately 1 minute and 20 seconds before you get kicked.
In some cases you will find snipers or people using TI's for legitimate reasons, but most of the time you will pinpoint the exact location of your boosters. The other day I saw a guy set a TI down behind the power station on Estate and just started running laps. Nobody else showed up and he just kept running in circles. I think he was trying to unlock marathon or lightweight pro.

If you suspect boosters during a match
•check for the scoreboard for someone with lots of deaths and very few kills
•watch the kill feed for the same person being killed over and over again
•if someone gets an EMP without a care package you probably have boosters and have very little time to find them
•use your ears and listen for tactical insertion spawns. Once you get attuned to the sound you can't miss it and can use it as a homing device.
Intentionally getting into a game with boosters
If you are in the mood to hunt boosters, they can usually be found with a little bit of patience. You first need to get into a match or lobby. Use the identifying traits from the section above and make a decision to wait for the game to begin and go into spectator mode, or leave and move onto the next lobby.

If you get thrown into the middle of a game, always go into spectator mode and do a quick scan. A quick peek at the score is always the best way to determine if you have boosters. At this point you can leave the game and take a loss, or wait to be kicked for inactivity. I do not know for sure, but I don't believe that being kicked will result in a loss.

Repeat this process and few times and you are bound to find boosters. It normally takes me 5 games or less, but can vary from day to day. You may find that you get thrown into a game when the boosters already have 20+ kills. This can happen because other players tend to leave the game when one person is dominating. Don't be discouraged if you get nuked in one of these games. Just stick with them and don't let it happen again.

2. Class Setup I recently changed my classes around a little and have a few variations depending on the map. I used to always use an SMG with marathon and lightweight to help get around the map quickly. The trouble with this setup is with air support. Once there is a chopper gunner in the air you will have a hard time getting to the boosters, especially if they know you are after them.

Marathon is critical for getting around the map quicker. I find that the speed boost you get from using an SMG is not worth giving up the grenade launcher on the AR's. You can substitute Light Weight for Danger Close if you want a little extra speed in place of explosive power.

Sitrep make spotting the tactical insertions much easier. They can be seen through walls, buildings, etc... On smaller maps you can sometimes locate the boosters just by scanning for TI's using Sitrep.

Explosive class
Primary: Tar-21 or AK-47 w/ Grenade Launcher
Secondary: RPG, Thumper, or Javelin
Equipment: Semtex or C4
Perk 1: Marathon
Perk 2: Danger Close
Perk 3: Siterep

The explosive class is great for early on in the game before the heavy air support rolls in. Hitting anywhere near the boosters with a noob tube or RPG and danger close is sure to be a multi-kill and you have a good chance of taking out their insertions too. The same can be said about a well placed semtex. C4 is also nice if you can get in close to the boosters location. It makes almost no sound when thrown, but has a very limited range. If they keep coming back to the same location you can leave them a little C4 gift and watch from a safe distance.

The Thumper is just another way of carrying 2 extra launchable grenades. Just remember to make sure you are far enough away to give the grenade time to arm, or else it won't explode and you will be stuck trying to reload. Once you unlock the RPG I think it should be used in place of the thumper. You can fire the RPG from as close as you want without worrying about firing a dud round. It's very easy to kill yourself with the RPG at close range, but it's a lot of fun. It's also a good long range explosive weapon, but can randomly veer off target when firing from a distance, so be ready to follow up with another RPG or grenade. The Javelin is also a very effective launcher, but you only get 1 shot and it takes a long time to lock onto targets. The advantage of the Javelin is that it will launch straight into the air and come down directly on top of your target. This can work very well when the boosters are hiding behind cover and cannot be shot directly. There are a few locations on Afghan, Sub Base and Karachi where I have used the Javelin to get a well protected booster.

The Tar-21 is one of my favorite assault rifles in the game because it has a good amount of ammo, high rate of fire, and enough power to work well without stopping power. It's also available very early in the rankings, but an AK-47 works just as well for those level 70's.

Anti Air
Primary: Tar-21 or AK-47 w/ Grenade Launcher
Secondary: Stinger
Equipment: Semtex or C4
Perk 1: Marathon
Perk 2: Cold Blooded Pro
Perk 3: Sitrep

It's pretty obvious when you are going to need this setup. My advice is to take down air support as soon as possible to delay the higher killstreaks. A chopper gunner can be taken down before it does any serious damage. If you are using the explosive class and a chopper gunner is called in, simply throw a semtex at your feet and re-spawn with your anti air class.

Cold blooded pro is a great perk for hiding from boosters. On levels like Underpass, Rundown, Afghan and even parts of Favela, you can lay prone in the grass near a suspected boosting spot and they can walk right by you. If you really want to remain unseen, try laying prone and rapidly pressing the "switch weapons" button over and over again. You may look stupid on your own screen, but it makes it very hard to distinguish you from dead bodies because you won't appear to be holding a weapon.

The other major advantage to using cold blooded pro is you can actually trick the boosters into thinking you are their boosting partner since your name doesn't appear over your head. This works well when the boosters themselves are using Cold Blooded Pro.

For those who have not yet unlocked Sitrep, or just don't want to dedicate a class slot to booster hunting, the "Overwatch" default class is a good start. It does not have Marathon equipped, but uses Sitrep and danger close w/ Semtex. This class uses the L86 LMG with a red dot and grip, a great gun for taking out multiple boosters at once without having to worry about reloading.

Killing the Boosters

Now that you found them, it's time to kill them. Take note of which one of the boosters is doing the killing because he is the one you need to kill. If they have a chopper gunner or AC130 out you can be sure that he will be hiding somewhere, but won't be able to defend himself. You can be sure that his partner will be standing guard.

The guy you are after will just be standing there waiting for his partner to spawn, so he is the easier target and you can just run in and knife or shoot him. But you want multi-kills timing becomes more important. What I like to do is wait a second or 2 after the re-spawn to give them just enough time to put out a new tactical insertion, but not enough time to be killed again. If you time it right and launch a grenade you can get the double kill plus destroy the TI.

If the TI is not destroyed you have 2 options. If you are trying to unlock Sitrep pro, this would be a good opportunity to tally up more equipment destruction. Or you can just wait for the re-spawn and kill him again. Either method accomplishes the same thing. Waiting for the re-spawn and knifing them is probably more fun and tends to piss them off more and is my preferred method especially after unlocking Sitrep Pro.

Sometimes the boosters are actually a little bit intelligent and will not stand close enough together to kill them both with a single grenade. You will find them standing in opposite corners of a room and shooting instead of knifing each other. Knowing their exact location is key and Sitrep can really help if you don't have a clean site-line. A couple of well placed grenades from a safe distance usually takes care of them.

The 2nd level of the house in Underpass is a common place that I have seen this strategy used. One guy will sit in the corner directly behind the stairs, the other will be diagonally across. A grenade through the window from ground level can usually get one of them, then run upstairs and quickly shoot the other. You could also access this room from the "shelf". The gas station on Rundown is another spot where the boosters will most likely be separated by some distance.

Once you manage to kill them both, they often return to the same spot, but there is a good chance that they will either leave the game or move to another location. Keep hunting them down. A smart pair of boosters will swap roles and start all over again if you screwed up their big killstreak.

Final Tips

Always be aware of the score. There is nothing I hate more than being in a match with boosters and not noticing until it's too late.

Give the boosters a little bit of time before killing them. This is especially true if you know their location from watching in spectator mode and get there early. There is no use in killing them before they have at least 6-7 kill under their belts. With a 30 kill score limit, it will make it impossible to get a 25 streak.

Use your mic. If you can't get to a booster in time or keep getting killed on your way to them, call them out. Someone else may be much closer and be willing to lend a helping hand in order to stop the boosters. Nobody likes to be nuked.

Find a booster hunting partner and pair up. Get into a party chat with a friend and go hunting together. It's always good to have a partner and one less person on the map trying to kill you.

The boosters will most likely give up after you kill them a few rounds in a row. If you really want to be a pain in the ass, follow them! Go to your recent friends list and wait for them to get into another match that you can join.

Common Boosting Locations


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Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Call of Duty 6)

Postby agressor » May 13th, '10, 21:22

sincerely yours

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Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Call of Duty 6)

Postby samer » May 13th, '10, 22:47

Par DLC:

Activision didn’t mention pricing, but it’s likely the company will continue with the $15 model it established with the Stimulus Package, which launched on March 30 for the Xbox 360. The publisher did say, however, the launch of the Resurgence Pack will be accompanied by two Double XP weekends. The first kicks off on Friday, May 28 in anticipation of the DLC’s release. The second will begin the day after its launch on Friday, June 4.

Mapes (varbūt):

According to TheTechGame, the new maps included in the Resurgence Pack are rumored, and I stress rumored, to be named as follows…

* Shipment (CoD 4)

* Vacant (CoD 4)

* Abandon

* Revolt

* Whitehouse

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Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Call of Duty 6)

Postby ValdisJ » May 14th, '10, 12:07

Thanks to a very early update from Robert Bowling has linked us to an interview he recently did with Major Nelson of Xbox LIVE. In the interview, he talks about everything in the map pack, including names and descriptions, which will be provided below.

http://j.mp/cMcR4E - Full details on the new Modern Warfare 2 Resurgence Package maps, as promised. Let me know what you think of Carnival!

Here is a brief description of each of the 5 confirmed maps in the Resurgence Pack.
Vacant [Call of Duty 4]

Wide open Russian office complex. Updated with new visuals and atmosphere. There will be different routes through this map, depending on which game type you are playing.
Strike [Call of Duty 4]

The classic map with the large monument in the middle. Visual and atmosphere updates as well.
Carnival [New]

A fairly large deserted Amusement park set in the daytime. Many different locations within the map, such as a house of the future, a roller coaster, and many other things. The fun house is a main vantage point.
Trailer Park [New]

A trailer park(no way!) set near the campaign level "Boneyard". It is a close-quarters map for objective game modes. Choke points are apparantly obvious. Running and Gunning, check.
Fuel [New]

A completely different map than the others in the Resurgence Pack. It is "a sniper heaven", and it's big. Fuel is an oil refinery broken into 2 sections, one being the outdoors with things such as pumps, while there is another part in the offices of the refinery. The objectives will be placed within the building, so snipers can cover from the outside.

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Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Call of Duty 6)

Postby Grammaton » May 14th, '10, 14:08

Un atkal divas vecās kartes. Lai būtu normālas jaunas kartes, sanāk, ka jāperk abi divi DLC, jo tikai tad varēs dābūt sešas jaunas kartes. Bišku sviestīgi. :?

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Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Call of Duty 6)

Postby Patrick » May 14th, '10, 22:38

HEre comes the money...

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Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Call of Duty 6)

Postby samer » May 15th, '10, 00:20



Trailer Park



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Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Call of Duty 6)

Postby scoux » May 17th, '10, 13:44

Vacant grafiski uztaisīts ir kruts salīdzinot ar 4to cod


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Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Call of Duty 6)

Postby Grammaton » May 17th, '10, 17:20

Kāds ir iemēģinājis Stimulus pack DLC? Ja jā, tad kāds ir?

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Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Call of Duty 6)

Postby samer » May 17th, '10, 22:50

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Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Call of Duty 6)

Postby scoux » May 18th, '10, 11:00




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