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www.revolution.lv || Xbox360, Playstation3, WiiU • View topic - The Boondock Saints

The Boondock Saints

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Moderator: agressor

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The Boondock Saints

Postby agressor » Feb 28th, '12, 16:53

Critical Mass, a developer whose CV includes pitching in on games like Rift, Epic Mickey and Tabula Rasa, is spreading its wings with its very own project based upon a movie license. It's a video game version of the 1999 Boston-set cult crime thriller, The Boondock Saints, featuring the vengeful MacManus twins.

Set to be a "full-on co-op shooter", Critical Mass wants to release The Boondock Saints Video Game as a proper retail product, but failing that the game might go downloadable and episodic instead. "We don't want to do a crap-ass franchise game," Critical Mass CEO Matt Scibilia told G4. "We're staying true to the content. We're looking to expand the story, not just retell the franchise."

And stay true to the franchise it shall, according to Scibilia: "The Boondock Saints characters are so strong - the banter, the relationships between Rocco and the brothers, the Catholicism, that will all be featured in the game." There's even a motion comic being planned for release alongside the game.

Critical Mass will be joined by some of the original Boondock Saints cast at SXSW's Screenburn event in Austin, Texas on March 11th to talk more about the details of the game. The developer will then be showing off the game during secret sessions at PAX East in April. Check out a trailer for the movie, if you're unfamiliar with it, below.
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Re: The Boondock Saints

Postby DoubleZed » Feb 28th, '12, 17:35

Ja godīgi, tad besī, kad par pamatu crappy geimiem tiek ņemti labu filmu "brendi" un visbiežāk sačakarēti...

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Re: The Boondock Saints

Postby oskarszale » Feb 28th, '12, 23:12

Jāizpilda mājas darbs, jānoskatās filma būs :) Izskatās graujoša, paslīdējusi garām, bet 1999. gadā man bija citas intereses :)

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Re: The Boondock Saints

Postby Brock » Feb 29th, '12, 09:45

Filma ir ļoti laba. Toties jau tagad var teikt, ka spēle būs mēsls. Varbūtība ka kaut kas spēlējams ir diezgan maza.
Being drunk is just like having a really low framerate

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Re: The Boondock Saints

Postby Dzhonijs » Feb 29th, '12, 15:54

Piekrītu Brock.
P.s. Filma patika.

P.s. BOOBS (not bacon) is always the answer!

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Re: The Boondock Saints

Postby oskarszale » Feb 29th, '12, 23:53

Meklēju pirmo daļu, pagaidām nekur nevaru atrast, bet izrādās ir otrā daļa arī!

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Re: The Boondock Saints

Postby Dzhonijs » Mar 1st, '12, 11:33

Otrā daļa bija daudz vājāka par pirmo, waste of time.

P.s. BOOBS (not bacon) is always the answer!

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Re: The Boondock Saints

Postby Brock » Mar 1st, '12, 11:48

Being drunk is just like having a really low framerate

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Re: The Boondock Saints

Postby ValdisJ » Mar 1st, '12, 13:17

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Re: The Boondock Saints

Postby oskarszale » Mar 1st, '12, 14:39

Sūdīgi meklēju :) Man derēs arī krieviski, esmu ražots CCCP kā ne kā :) Noskatīšos, tad pateikšu ir šedevrs vai nav.

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Re: The Boondock Saints

Postby cone » Mar 1st, '12, 14:48

Nu, ja ņem krieviski, tad _tikai_ ar Goblina tulkojumu. Labi rauj tur jumtu nost.


Аудио: #1: русский 48 kHz, AC3 Dolby Digital, 3/2 (L,C,R,l,r) + LFE ch, ~384 kbps [Профессиональный (многоголосый, закадровый)]
Аудио: #2: русский 48 kHz, AC3 Dolby Digital, 3/2 (L,C,R,l,r) + LFE ch, ~448 kbps [Авторский, Д.Пучкова (Гоблин)]

Es, pie reizes, arī vēlreiz noskatīšos.

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Re: The Boondock Saints

Postby agressor » Mar 1st, '12, 15:14

pirmā daļa ir ūber vienkārši. defo and shit. 7 no 10
otrā daļa ir 0.1 no 10
sincerely yours

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Re: The Boondock Saints

Postby oskarszale » Mar 23rd, '12, 02:54

Beidzot noskatijos. Nu dodu 6/10. Bija drusku savādāka, beigas tādas pārāk labas, ja tā var teikt. Spēli noteikti neuztaisīs kā filmu, ja vispār uztaisīs, drošvien gaidīsim gadiem :)
Tā starp citu pēc Darkness 2 iziešanas noskatijos arī One flew over the cuckoo's nest, jo pamudināja tās psihiatriskās slimnīcas epizodes dārknesā. Tas ir arī baigais gabals, man patika.

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