Moderator: agressor
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2sincerely yours
agressor |
Re: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2Es jau piesakos uz dienu, kas tiks veltīta Co-op campaign iziešanai ar kādu kopā.
Re: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2Jāpaņem no kāda tas RS:V pirmais, lai var apskatīt, vai tiešām hype ir pamats. Lieki piebilst, ka skeptiskais agris attiecībā uz CoD4 jau ir vairāk kā pārliecināts, arī ar to, ka tas bija mans īatsis pirmais FPS uz konsoles
sincerely yours
agressor |
Re: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2aiztiec sevi vietās || celuju,
Re: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2sincerely yours
agressor |
Re: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2Ubisoft latest release schedule confirms that their tactical shooter Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 is hitting stores across North America on March 18 and Europe on March 21.
Being drunk is just like having a really low framerate
Re: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2Single player gameplay
[gt]http://www.gametrailers.com/player/30709.html[/gt] Limited edition trailer [gt]http://www.gametrailers.com/player/30673.html[/gt] sincerely yours
agressor |
Re: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2Līdz šim nēesmu sekojis līzdi, bet izskatās, ka šito varētu ņemt CoD 4 vietā. Ir kaut kas dzirdēts par demo?
Re: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2R6 shausmiigi skaisti bija dot komandas saviem AI kompanjoniem ar voice
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Re: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2ok, megaverdiktu neesmu vēl tiesīgs sniegt, bet pēc viena vakara single un mp šaudīšanās varu sniegt nelielu subjektīvu insta-vērtējumu
![]() es parasti diezko neceru un negaidu no jauni iznākošajiem haipojamiem geimiem. šoreiz pieļāvu kļūdu un cerēju, ka vismaz būs izlabota peldošā kustības sajūta un lagošana iekš mp. skuju. garš stāsts īss - daži jauni weaponi, jauns gears, jaunā ACES punktu krāšanas un unlokošanas sistēma (strādājoša arī SP režīmā), jaunas kartes (relatīvs jēdziens, jo ir daudz vecās, tikai ar jaunām tekstūrām + jebkurš sens R6 spēlētājs atpazīs lokācijas, kaut vai no Raven Shield), sprint poga, iespēja redzēt kas uz doto mirkli jūzo voice chat (kā cod4 un any other new game), iespēja šaut caur dažiem koka objektiem, nelielas interfeisa izmaiņas un ērtāks geimu browseris. that's fucking it. skaņas still ir tikpat fucked up (mistiskie machine gun soundi), lago vai vismaz sajūta, ka lago tāpat, utt. tāda liela mēh sajūta. then again es patiesi neredzu kā viņi vegasu būtu spējuši padarīt vēl ōsamāku pēc sava pirmā snieguma, jo tas priekš tiem laikiem bija megauberōsam. vienkārši neliels rūgtums, ka nav centušies turēt līdzi laikam un developēt jaunu daļu, kura spētu sacensties ar mūsdienīgākiem šūteriem... tfu, protams, ka CoD4. it's still a great game, just not as great when you have other games, nu jūs jau sapratāt ![]() slinkums rakstīt cildinošo rakstu par Battlefield: Bad Company Multiplayer Beta, kurš imho ir diezgan ōsam neskatoties uz daudzajiem mīnusiem, bet te jau jāpārvācas uz citu topiku ![]() |
Re: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2Gribēju pateikt superiga spēle, ja gribas izšaudities ka specnazam, klusi un bez lieka trokšņa atskaitot dažas epizdodes kur viss notiek spontāni un haotiski.
Lai speli labak izprastu izejiet vispirms pirmo daļu. Vnk gribeju ieteikt šo spēli citiem ![]() |
Re: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2xboxic ziņo:
To keep your fingers busy over the Summer, Ubisoft will be releasing a free Fan Pack next month which will add new multiplayer maps, new ranks, and much more. * New Maps: * Calypso Casino: The fan favorite from Rainbow Six Vegas is back by popular demand. All Rainbow Six Vegas 2 game modes are supported, including co-op terrorist hunt. * Murdertown – Dark: Experience this map’s intense, close-quarter action underneath the cover of darkness. * CQB Training – Dark: This map is set at nighttime, so expect more tactical assaults as players must use their night vision to spot enemies. * New Ranks. Unlock new ranks beyond the rank of Elite. XP players have already accumulated as Elite will be applied toward the new ranks. * More A.C.E.S. While Adding New Ranks. The A.C.E.S. will be extended to 100 for each of these three categories: Marksman, CQB and Assault. Each A.C.E.S. level earned contains a substantial XP reward. Points that players have already accumulated in each of the categories will be applied toward the new A.C.E.S. levels. * Grenade Indicator. While inside the damage radius of a frag or incendiary grenade, a grenade indicator icon is displayed on the screen. * High Stakes Setting. Experience game modes in a more tactical way using the High Stakes setting, including: Limited HUD * No radar * Enemies not visible on tactical map * Grenade indicator is disabled Health System * Health regeneration is disabled * Altered post-process effects of being in a critical health state Take Cover * Camera view has changed so that players must be exposed in order to see around a corner Weapons & Gadgets * Aim assistance is completely disabled, requiring players to be more precise * Bullet spread is increased when not zoomed in * Less ammunition Kill Camera is always disabled Friendly Fire is always enabled * Weapons and Gadgets Balancing. There are a number of changes to the weapons and gadgets settings in this new package, including: * Explosion delay of the incendiary grenade has been increased * Detonation speed of the C4 has been slightly increased * Increased the damage of Sniper Rifles at long range * Increased the base accuracy of the Light Machine Guns * Adjusted the rate of fire for some of the Assault Rifles, Shotguns and an SMG * Sped up the time it takes to zoom in and out with weapons, making it more responsive * Respawns in Team Deathmatch. Hosts can choose whether or not their match uses random respawns in Team Deathmatch. * Voice Chat. Hosts can choose to enable voice chat between living and dead players of the same team so that when players die they can keep talking with their teammates (Player Match and System Link only). * Score in Deathmatch. Player’s score, along with the top opponent, is displayed on the HUD in Deathmatch. * Team Leader Changes. Players now respawn next to the leader by default, unless players specifically choose to spawn back at the base. * Show Dead Players in Lobby. Players that have no lives remaining will have a skull icon displayed next to their name in the lobby screen so that it’s easy to tell who is still alive and who has been eliminated. * Terrorist Hunt Spawning. Fixed the terrorist spawning so they don’t appear right in front of players, or in areas they have cleared recently. Again, all of these additions to Rainbow Six Vegas 2 will be made available on the Marketplace free of charge sometime next month. aiztiec sevi vietās || celuju,
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