Moderator: agressor
Re: Gears of War 2tu izlasiiji???
negribi iisuma atstaastiit... |
Re: Gears of War 2sincerely yours
agressor |
Re: Gears of War 2Isteniibaaa grafika no 1. dalas paaraak neatshkiras
Re: Gears of War 2Pirmais bija fors! Jo ipashi man patika kur bija ta tumsa kur tevi var apest
Re: Gears of War 2Tipa tie divainie putni?
Man labaak patika misijas kad vajadzeeja no aklaa milzha skraidiit... |
Re: Gears of War 2sincerely yours
agressor |
Re: Gears of War 2Vienkārši kaudze ar scrīniem un ārtworkiem. n-joy!
Ienaidnieki: Raksturi: Ieroči: Leveļi: MP levelis: Singleplayer: Gridlock in GoW 1: Gridlock in GoW 2: Skrīni: sincerely yours
agressor |
Re: Gears of War 2sincerely yours
agressor |
Re: Gears of War 2Vido nekaada nava...
Re: Gears of War 2sincerely yours
agressor |
Re: Gears of War 2Gears of War 2 Wartime Interview |
Re: Gears of War 2At X08 Cliff Bleszinski revealed that Epic plans to release "multiplayer map focused downloadable content shortly after the game's launch, so either new maps and/or new modes.
sincerely yours
agressor |
Re: Gears of War 2Gears Of War 2 will come with a bonus disc, featuring a documentary about the making of the game and character profiles.
That’s according to a new posting on the BBFC site, in which Microsoft is granted an 18 rating for the extra content. According to the body, ‘the linear elements within the work had a running time (eg cut scenes) of 148m 40s’. It lists the features on the disc as: n/a GEARS OF WAR 2 BONUS DISK 00:34:29:00 BENEATH THE SURFACE 00:01:05:00 RENDEZVOUS 00:01:28:00 BARE YOUR TEETH 00:07:30:00 E3 2008: GEARS 2 DEMO 00:03:38:00 GTTV SPOT 00:11:56:00 CHARACTERS - MARCUS FENIX 00:07:40:00 CHARACTERS - DOMINIC SANTIAGO 00:07:40:00 CREATURES - BOOMER 00:07:10:00 CREATURES - KANTUS 00:15:55:00 LOCATIONS - HOSPITAL 00:13:01:00 LOCATIONS - THE HOLLOW 00:07:08:00 VEHICLES - CENTAUR 00:06:10:00 VEHICLES - REAVER 00:13:00:00 WEAPONS - LANCER 00:10:50:00 WEAPONS - HEAVY WEAPONS n/a MAIN THEME n/a CINEMATIC OPENING n/a ASSULT INTRO n/a MARIA n/a COG SQUAD PACK (5 IMAGES) n/a LOCUST SQUAD PACK (5 IMAGES) sincerely yours
agressor |
Re: Gears of War 2Rumored achievement list:
01. Green as Grass (10) – Train the rook (any difficulty) 20. Reservist (25) – Complete all campaign acts on Casual difficulty 21. Non-Commissioned Officer (50) – Complete all campaign acts on Normal difficulty 22. Commissioned Officer (75) – Complete all campaign acts on Hardcore difficulty 23. Commander (150) – Complete all campaign acts on Insane difficulty 24. Tourist (5) – Recover 5 Collectibles (any difficulty) 25. Pack Rat (15) – Recover 20 Collectibles (any difficulty) 26. Completionist (30) – Recover all 43 Collectibles (any difficulty) 27. Dom-Curious (10) – Complete one chapter in co-op on any difficulty 28. Domination (30) – Complete ten chapters in co-op on any difficulty 29. I Can’t Quit You, Dom (50) – Complete all acts in co-op on any difficulty 30. Crossed Swords (10) – Win a Chainsaw Duel 31. Ain’t Too Proud To Beg (10) – Crawl to a teammate and be revived 32. Pound of Flesh (10) – Use a meat shield to absorb a killing blow 33. DIY Turret (10) – Use a cover-mounted Gatling gun to kill three enemies without dismounting 34. Shock and Awe (10) – Use the mortar to kill three enemies with a single shot 35. Said The Spider To The Fly (10) – Kill an enemy with a planted grenade 36. Blowed Up Real Good (10) – Kill three enemies with a single grenade tag 37. Shake and Bake (10) – Kill three enemies with the flamethrower without reloading 38. Variety is the Spice of Death (30) – Kill an enemy with every weapon in the game 39. Multi-Talented Executioner (30) – Execute a downed enemy with every weapon in the game 40. Seriously 2.0 (50) – Kill 100,000 enemies, total, across all modes 41. Photojournalist (10) – Submit a spectator photo 42. It Takes Two (10) – Win Wingman with both team members alive 43. The Old Ball and Chain (10) – Capture a Meat Flag in a winning match of Meat Flag 44. It’s Good To Be The King (10) – Finish a winning round of Assassination as the leader 45. You Go Ahead, I’ll Be Fine (10) – Collect all the rings value in a winning round of KOTH 46. Back To Basic (20) – Complete Multiplayer Training Grounds 47. Can Do It All (30) – Win a match of every multiplayer game type 48. Around The World (30) – Win one match on each of the 12 MP maps 49. Survived To Five (20) – Entire team must survive the first five waves of Horde (any difficulty) 50. Survived To Ten (30) – Entire team must survive the first ten waves of Horde (any difficulty) Kā achievement whore atzīšu - achievementi ir kruti, pietiekami interesanti un noteikti labāki, nekā Gears1 |
Re: Gears of War 2sincerely yours
agressor |
Re: Gears of War 2sincerely yours
agressor |
Re: Gears of War 2sincerely yours
agressor |
Re: Gears of War 2sincerely yours
agressor |
Re: Gears of War 2Šajās brīvdienās saņēmu savu preorderēto GoW 2 kopiju no RIMI.
īss review: Spēle pa kedu, 7-8h gameplay iekš story modes, viena no viss action packed spēlēm, kādu ir gadījies spēlēt, varbūt vienīgi beigas ne īpaši patika - pa vieglu..... |
Re: Gears of War 2sincerely yours
agressor |
Re: Gears of War 2pirmie iespaidi - kaifiski nostaljgiska pashapmierinaashanaas.. atsauc atminjaa nebeidzamaas stundas ar pirmo dalju:) muuzika skaista, staasts dziljaaks, .. a paareejais - kaa jau gears of war, tikai vizuaali virkne reizhu iespaidiigaaks, sen neatceros sevi priecaajamies kaadas iespaidiigas speeles ainas deelj (beidzamaa reize - god of war uz ps2)
Re: Gears of War 2Tad nu pirmie iespaidi arī no manas pusses.
Nekas tāds kas mani varētu tur pārsteigt vai baigi uzmanību pievērst. Ja jautā vai bija vērts viņu preorderēt. Tad teikšu, ka jā! Jo pirmās daļas man nebija enough. Vajadzēja vēl. Tad nu tagad es dabuju vēl to pašu pirmo daļu nedaudz savādākā skatījumā. Storijs pagaidām ir pietiekoši interesants, lai prasītos iet mājās un pagraizīt vēl. Patīkamā daļa ir pagaidām plašumi apkārt nevis smirdīgas drupas kautkādas. Tiesa neko tālu neesmu ticis tādēļ vēl pāragri spriest. |
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