Moderator: agressor
Re: Gears of War 2Uz Insane viens pats esmu rezējis kā nogrimst pilsēta un tālāk netieku. Nepieciešams īpašs draudziņš, kurš pievienotos co-op'ā.
Ja kāds, kādreiz izdomās iziet uz insane, tad varētu pamēģināt. Paldies par uzmanību. |
Re: Gears of War 2COD:WaW kartes mums nav pieejamas, bet ir pieejamas GoW2 kartes:Combustible Multiplayer Map Pack. Nejauši sanāca iepirkt. Bezmaksas kodu diemžēl vēl nav iespejams izmantot.
Re: Gears of War 2bet vai matchmaking vēl aizvien aizņem 3 gadus?
Re: Gears of War 2būs vakarā pašam jāmēģina, jo pēc pirmā update, man vienlaga ap 15 minūtēm, matchmeikojās. es laikam esmu īpašs kā mamma vienmēr teica.
Re: Gears of War 2Being drunk is just like having a really low framerate
Re: Gears of War 2sodien uzrakos faktam, ka 30. julijaa! (ko? ) Japana iznak Gears of war 2 ar savadaku acivmentu listi! man atklati japanu liste simpatizee, jo tur ir daudz hordes acivku un par sasniegtajiem multipleijera limeniem gandriz ik pec diviem ir acivments bet vai Japanu gears ies uz Eiropas konsoles? , kuraa var nopirkt so brinumu nav info par PAL versiju, varbut velak bus. a nu achievements liste atrodama seit
Re: Gears of War 2Jaunās kartes var nokačāt, arī LV Labi vien ir, ka mums nebija iespējams nokačāt iepriekšējās kartes par 800 punktiem, jo tagad visas kartes ir pieejamas par 1600 punktiem
Re: Gears of War 2"Mazliet" par vēlu, bet nu sola salabot pilnīgi visu. Tā ka instalēšu vēl vienu reizi uz cietā diska spēli un gaidīšu, kad būs super-duper apdeits Visi apdeiti, kas ir bijuši līdz šim, tikai vēl vairāk visu ir sačakarejuši, šoreiz ceru uz to labāko. Datuma precīza nav.
Gears of War 2 Title Update 6 Incoming. Fixes Almost Everything. There's a long, long list of fixes, so we'll keep this bit short. The patch should be available in about a week according to Gears of War forum posts. * Adds a new public multiplayer match option called Social Xbox LIVE (aka player matches), open to anyone who owns all downloadable maps (that is, All Fronts Collection). We’ll be having a promotion that will dramatically reduce the cost of the All Fronts Collection. * You can join Social Matches in progress and can quit any time without penalty, although players who quit a match early don’t receive earned experience (XP) from that match. * Social matchmaking lets your party join a match in progress. If a match is not found, your party hosts a new match, filling any empty player slots with bots. * Social Matches automatically cycle to the next map without further matchmaking. * Teams are rebalanced between matches based on XP level without splitting parties. * If you quit, your spot is taken by a bot until a new player joins the match. That new player can join while the match is in progress. * If you join a match in progress, you are assigned a team based on XP level and party size. * If you join a match in progress, you replace a bot at the earliest opportunity: at the first bot’s death for respawning game types (for example, Annex) and at round completion for Warzone, Execution, and Wingman. * Social leaderboards become part of the War Journal. * Renames Public Matches to Ranked Xbox LIVE Matches to differentiate these from Social Xbox LIVE Matches, and adds some improvements to these matches. * Improved host selection using bandwidth testing and previous hosting data has been added. * Before the match begins, teams are balanced based on XP without splitting parties. * Renames Private Matches to Custom Xbox LIVE Matches and makes these matches invite-only. * Adds the ability to join Horde sessions that are in progress. * In Social Horde, you can join a session in progress through matchmaking and you are able to continue your session from the last wave you failed without starting over. * In Ranked Horde, you can join a session in progress only through invites. * If you join a session in progress, at the end of the session you receive the score you achieved during the time you spent in the session. * Improves the precision of weapon selection using the D-pad. * Improves client-side hit detection for ballistic weapons. Exploit Fixes Title Update 6 fixes these possible exploits, where under certain circumstances: * Execution rules could be ignored when using certain weapon types. * On the Subway map, you could get outside of the playable environment by sliding into cover and rolling between a train car and the side of tracks. * On the Blood Drive map, you could get outside of the playable environment in various locations. * Players could grief other players on Submission, Annex, King of the Hill, and Guardian games by preventing the objective from being completed while racking up experience. Title Update 6 adds match time limits to each of these game types to prevent this practice. General Fixes Title Update 6 fixes these other issues as well: * An issue that could cause your profile to be overwritten, erasing XP level, and achievement progress. * An issue that could cause a campaign save slot to be overwritten if you previously chose to continue without saving and then signed in. Balancing Title Update 6 makes these balancing changes: * Changes the Gnasher Shotgun pellet pattern to increase hit consistency. * Changes the Guardian game type to select the leader based upon XP level (highest to lowest). Last edited by oskarszale on May 18th, '10, 22:36, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Gears of War 2Cik šausmīgi par vēlu
Labāk, lai jau upgreido GOW3 lietas. Bet nu pat pirmais GOW man vēl ir sincerely yours
agressor |
Re: Gears of War 2бля.. idritvai kociņ, kaut zaķis viņiem rudzus piedirstu..
Pēc tik ilga laika, kad tika pavadītas n-tās stundas kaifojot par spēli un tajā pašā laikā lamājoties par nepilnībām, viņi izdomā visu salabot? 1,5 gads jau pagājis. Kāds nav saulē prātu izkūpinājis? Tiešām, piekrītu agressoram par to, lai vismaz gow3 multiplayeri nesalaiž galīgā d**sā.. Nemuldi.
Re: Gears of War 2Being drunk is just like having a really low framerate
Re: Gears of War 2Lancer Chainsaws at the Ready: Gears of War 2 Title Update 6 Goes Live Today
To celebrate all of this Gears 2 loveliness, Epic and Microsoft will be holding a Triple Experience Weekend on Xbox Live, which will commence tomorrow at 2pm GMT and run until 2pm GMT on Tuesday June 1st. Aicinu visus dod Gīram pēdējo iespēju, varbūt (beidzot) būs sataisījuši multipleijeru |
Re: Gears of War 2cerība mirst pēdejā un šoreiz tiešām nomira. socialie mači ir, bet spēlētāju nav. gļuko kaut kas, jo vienmēr esmu viens pats, pārejos samet botus. ranked mačos joprojām ir sviests, nekādus uzlabojumus nejūtu, tikai downā ļoti ātri krīt tagad
gaidīšu trešo GOW cerībā, ka multipleijeru netaisa EPIC (fail). |
Re: Gears of War 2Epic's Rod Fergusson (aka GearsViking) has been tweeting about the upcoming Labor Day Gears of War 2 XP event again via his Twitter page, and it looks like the final figure has arrived at 25x XP, meaning that 25,000 people now 'like' Gears of War on Facebook.
Fergusson tweeted the following earlier this week: "Labor Day Event update - congrats everyone for taking it to 25x XP! Bring on the Veteran Gears!" Labor Day falls on Monday 6th September apparently, so that would make Labor Day weekend the 4th and 5th, but the event is slated to run from September 3rd until September 7th, giving you plenty of time to grind your way towards that hallowed Veteran Gear status. Zinu, zinu esmu jau teicis, ka metisu mieru, bet nu kad jau sita iznirgaa savu speli un sola 25x XP, tad varetu viegli tikt lidz 100. limenim Bet maita GOW negrib konekteties ar citiem vairak! Neko nesmu mainijis, citas speles iet onlaina, kaa pukites. Meklee tikai visu laiku, 10 minutes gaidiju, izbesija NAT ir ieslegts, firewall off. Ko lai dara? 27.08.2010 Ir jau labi, vienkārši vairs nespēlē neviens Ranked hordei izdevās pievienoties, tā ka viss ir ok. Biju jau aizmirsis, ka limenus var vakt ari neranked hordē. |
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